Thursday, 24 April 2014

Pyrenees: Day 3

Two blog entries in one sitting! Don't get used to this...

Pyrenees: Day 3, Etxarri Aranatz - Jaca - 29th August 2013 (123 miles)

This was probably the first day when we started seeing some promising sights of what was to come. After packing up from our one night stay, we pretty much filled up near where we left off and set about on our route.

For the most part we followed the N240. We came across a fantastic view of the "Embalse de Yesa" and found ourselves stopping quite a few times to take pictures as we headed to Jaca (perhaps too often...).

We actually went through Jaca before arriving at the campsite, as the site was slightly north-east of Jaca itself. But we got there, set up and got ready to head back to Jaca for some food.

Rob found the bends to and from the campsite particularly inviting so he went ahead so I couldn't slow him down (I am not the quickest rider by any stretch of the imagination) and caught up afterwards and led back to the town.

After having a bit of a wander round Jaca, we grabbed some food at a local cafe. The waiter didn't speak much English but pointing at pictures on a menu generally seems to work! I think we mainly had pizzas and finished it off with a banana split. After this we walked off our dinner and took in Jaca's surroundings.

There is an old castle that we had a walk around, but didn't actually go inside and some old buildings in the main town centre. After Rob and Casey sorted out some food for the campsite we pretty much rode back (I think the weather was possibly turning at this point too, or at least getting colder!).

We finished off the day with a drink at the onsite bar, preparing for the epic trek the next day (which really did turn out to be an epic trek...)

New Toy! Introducing...

I interrupt the very (slowly) written Pyrenees 2013 posts to introduce my new toy

So I picked it up about 2 weeks ago. Its a 2003 Honda CBR 954 RR3 fireblade. I've wanted one ever since I wanted to ride. It has around 19,000 on the clock and 2 previous owners.

The bagster tank cover I picked up for a bargain £19 on eBay. It is pretty standard, apart from the Scorpion exhaust, double bubble tinted screen, scottoiler and Meta System alarm. With 149 bhp you do notice the difference when you twist the throttle. I have owned a couple of CBR 600s in the past, both carbs and fuel injection models. This is obviously fuel injection. It has Road Pilot 2 tyres which I am finding quite different to the standards but pretty confident in their capability.

Now I am not much of a speed rider so to be honest I don't notice the power difference unless I am in a position whereby I need to overtake somebody. It is NOT a comfortable bike and you obviously do not buy it for that purpose. There is plenty of under seat storage and can quite happily fit a 1.8m chain and shackle lock there. I am having a peculiar thing happen whereby the seat will open if I hit a bump due to the weight of the chain - which I need to find a way of resolving. The pillion seat opens up like the boot of a car rather than being removed completely.

Another issue at the moment is that it won't start after a week of owning it. We have checked the starter motor, relay, battery, wires and all seems fine. The person I bought it from put a cheap new battery in it the morning I picked it up, telling me the other died when he got the bike out that morning. So it is either going to be something to do with the battery, the alarm system or something else. It is in the garage, so hopefully it isn't a major problem.

Other than that, I love it and yes I still have my SV :). Need something for the general commute :).